Hi there, you're probably aware that I've set up another, brand new ducati851and888 forum, so here's an introduction of how we got to where we are.
Many years back Jimmy set up the original forum site - he did a grand job of getting it set up, and the community grew over time. Many of us benefited from the shared knowledge that was contained within the pages, and we also simply enjoyed learning from the discussion about these wonderful machines and their history.
Over recent times, the old forum site has not been stable - it has gone offline for periods of time, and more recently, members have not been able to log on, to post. This has fractured to the community - with members moving over to facebook and other forums.
Over the years, Jimmy has paid for the maintenance of the server and software running the site out of his own pocket, and I want to ensure that we remain respectful of the value that he brought to the community over those years. However - if left as-is, the old site will fall completely into disrepair and we will lose the historic content - and the community.
So - with that in mind, we have taken matters into our own hands, and relaunched with a fully operational site, to hopefully pick up where we left off, with a new modern fresh feel to the site.
We've made no secret of what we're doing here, and have attempted to reach out to Jimmy, but the old site remains unusable at this time (some appear to be able to log in, but there remains many issues), with little confidence of that changing in the future. We wanted to ensure that we preserve the content that the community has created, and so the new forum site was born.
In order to post you'll need to either sign up a new account, or I can help you re-register your old account.
This site is configured with all the users that existed on the previous site, but I have retained no contact details - so to regain access to your old account, you'll need to get in touch with me and to identify your username and your email, which you'll then use to go through the "Forgot Password" process to reactivate your account. I've posted instructions on how to go about this - click here.
Whether this refreshed site becomes a success will be down to the collective community, I do hope that you choose to join us, and for us to rebuild the community, and we can figure out what comes next for the site. In the meantime - the old site still remains online, but not entirely functional.
Jimmy, if/when you read this, please do get in touch at mike@ducati851and888.com
Let us know what you think in reply!